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DoTA 2 Ready Released Empty DoTA 2 Ready Released

Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:11 am
DoTA 2 Ready Released Dota-210
Valve was secretly preparing the birth DoTA 2. There are some changes from previous versions, one will be born as a stand alone game, not the result of modification of Warcraft 3.

The news began to unfold after one of the gamers, and developer for two indulgence invitation DoTA 2 introduction at the event Gamescom 2011 in Cologne, Germany 17 to 21 August 2011.

In the party invitation Valve reportedly ready to present a myriad of features available in DoTA 2. So that was quoted from Gamespy, Monday (18/07/2011).

In order DoTA 2 can be accepted by both communities, allegedly in cooperation with the developer community Valve previously worked DoTA. But unfortunately, it is not certain when this game will be released.
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